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Date Colour Coding:
Updated within last 3 days.
Updated between 4 and 31 days ago.
Updated between 32 and 61 days ago.
Updated more than 61 days ago.
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Website design, database and slogan "get the gen, see the shots" © creators of www.perthbus.info 2004, 2025.
www.perthbus.info owns the copyright for all photos endorsed © www.perthbus.info including collections bequested to it.
All rights reserved.


Search by:
  • =exact registration
  • $fleet name
  • *MTT / TP / PTA fleet No
  • #fleet No
  • `auxilliary name
  • _chassis no
  • +body no
A maximum of 100 results will be
returned for each category.
Refine your search by using
the Advanced Search tool.

=For an exact registration,
prefix the rego with an equal sign,
eg =TC210

#For an exact MTT ⁄ Transperth ⁄
PTA ⁄ TransRegional fleet No,
prefix fleet no with an asterix,
eg *384

*For an exact fleet no (all fleets),
prefix fleet no with a hash,
eg #384

If no result using full 17-digit VIN,
search again with last 4 digits
with underscore prefix
eg _1234