MTT - Acquired from Other Operators

07.12.1958 Kalamunda Bus Service
18 records

18 188 Bedford SB5207CAC 12/52B33F
Southern Districts Band Association (St James)
ex-UQB188 / WAG8188 / UAN228 MTT (188)
ex-DR2218 Kalamunda Bus Service (18)
19 189 Bedford SB8219CAC 12/52B33F
John Court Motors (Perth) (dealer)
ex-UQB189 / u/r / UQB189 / WAG8189 / UAN227 MTT (189)
ex-DR2219 Kalamunda Bus Service (19)
20 190 Bedford SB4207CAC 10/53B33F
PARTS / UAN226 MTT (190)
ex-DR2220 Kalamunda Bus Service (20)
21 191 Bedford SB13308CAC 04/55B33F
UDU613 Leederville Boy Scouts Assn
ex-UQB191 / WAG8191 / UAN225 MTT (191)
ex-DR2221 Kalamunda Bus Service (21)
22 192 Bedford SB13126CAC 04/55B33F
Concrete Constructions (WA)
ex-UQB192 / WAG8192 / UAN224 MTT (192)
ex-DR2222 Kalamunda Bus Service (22)
14 193 Bedford OBCAC 07/50B33F
Whiteland (F) (Busselton)
ex-UAN223 MTT (193)
ex-DR2214 / DR1214 Kalamunda Bus Service (14)
15 194 Bedford OBCAC 03/51B33F
Whiteland (F) (Busselton)
ex-UAN222 MTT (194)
ex-DR2215 / DR1240 Kalamunda Bus Service (15)
6 195 AEC Regal O6622381Campbell&Mannix 12/37FB32F
King (R) (Geraldton)
ex-UAN221 MTT (36)
ex-UAN221 MTT (195)
ex-DR2206 / 10444 Kalamunda Bus Service (6)
7 196 AEC Regal O6623074Campbell&Mannix 06/39FB34F
Long (R S) (Perth)
ex-UAN220 MTT (196)
ex-DR2207 / DR21 Kalamunda Bus Service (7)
1 197 AEC Regal I O662/204142Campbell&Mannix 11/46FB34F
Mr Strahan (Koorda)
ex-UAN219 MTT (197)
ex-DR2201 / DR601 Kalamunda Bus Service (1)
10 198 AEC Regal I O662/204146Campbell&Mannix 08/47FB34F
Millington (R) (Boyup Brook)
ex-UAN218 MTT (198)
ex-DR2210 / DR891 Kalamunda Bus Service (10)
11 199 AEC Regal III 9621E368MSGreenwood 12/48FB39F
PARTS / UQB199 / WAG8199 / UAN217 MTT (199)
ex-DR2211 / DR913 / DR772 Kalamunda Bus Service (11)
12 200 AEC Regal III 9621E367MSGreenwood 05/49FB39F
PARTS / UAN216 MTT (200)
ex-DR2212 / DR921 Kalamunda Bus Service (12)
17 201 AEC Regal IV 9821E290Bolton 03/52B49F
UBH698 / 1DRH499 Bus Preservation Society of WA (Whiteman Park) (17)
ex-KM19767 / KM21 / TC156 / KM2217 Kalamunda Bus Service (1)
ex-KM2217 / XRJ768 Kalamunda Bus Service (17)
ex-UQB201 / WAG8201 / UAN215 MTT (201)
ex-DR2217 / DR1606 Kalamunda Bus Service (17)
5 202 White --/44FB32F
unknown (Geraldton)
ex-UAN214 MTT (202)
ex-DR2205 / DR163 Kalamunda Bus Service (5)
9 203 REO BudaCampbell&Mannix -/44B36F
PARTS / UAN213 MTT (203)
ex-DR2209 / DR779 Kalamunda Bus Service (9)
ex-31218 Scarborough Bus Service (18)
8 204 REO 09/43nB32F
Soltoggio Bros (Kardinya) (dealers & wreckers)
ex-K&B Bus Service (9)
ex-unknown (Geraldton)
ex-UAN212 MTT (204)
ex-DR2208 / DRxx Kalamunda Bus Service (8)
4 205 Thornycroft BCCampbell&Mannix -/35nB24F
Chegwidden (D) (Claremont)
ex-(not operated) MTT (205)
ex-DR2204 / DR24 Kalamunda Bus Service (4)

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