MTT - Acquired from Other Operators

22.02.1959 Emu Buses Pty Ltd
9 records

1 226 Bedford SBG28495CAC --/54B33F
Elder-GM (Perth)
ex-WAG8226 / UAN337 / 45142 / 45401 MTT (226)
ex-45401 Emu Buses (1)
3 227 Bedford SB9221CAC --/53B33F
Attwood Motors (Perth) (dealer);
ex-UQB227 / WAG8227 / UAN342 / 45143 / 45403 MTT (227);
ex-45403 Emu Buses (3)
4 228 Dennis LancetCampbell&Mannix --/35B34?F
Mr Webb (Napier)
ex-(not operated) MTT (228)
ex-45404 Emu Buses (4)
ex-45404 / 31204 West Subiaco (4)
5 229 Leyland Lion LT5A 07/35B__F
King (R W) (Boyup Brook)
ex-(not operated) MTT (229)
ex-45405 / 21505 Emu Buses (5)
7 230 Leyland Lion LT7c11518 --/37B34?F
Municipal Silver Bank (Albany)
ex-45407 MTT (230)
ex-45407 Emu Buses (7)
ex-Molloys WA Omnibus Co (North Perth) [T G A Molloy] UNCONFIRMED
8 231 AEC Regal I O662/204151Campbell&Mannix -/46B34?F
PARTS / U/R MTT (631)
ex-U/R / 45408 MTT (231)
ex-45408 Emu Buses (8)
9 232 Bedford OB76402CAC -/48B31FR
Whiteland (F) (Busselton)
ex-(not operated) MTT (232)
ex-45409 Emu Buses (9)
10 233 AEC Regal III 6821A158Bolton -/49FB31F
ex-UAN513 Osborne Revival Centre (Balga)
ex-UQB233 / WAG8233 / 45410 MTT (233)
ex-45410 Emu Buses (10)
11 234 AEC Regal III 6821A488Bolton -/49FB31F
unknown (Byford) (shed)
ex-BEV001 motorhome
ex-MH2800 Nugget-Hilsz Sign Co (Bassendean)
ex-WAG8234 / 45411 MTT (234)
ex-45411 Emu Buses (11)

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