MTT / Transperth - Acquired New

1963 (575)-(579) Bedford SB3 - r/n (116)-(120)
5 records
In Service 

09.02.1962 116 Bedford SB387203MComair 01/62B39F
6BA028? Masiello (V) (Wundowie)
ex-UQB116 / WAG8116 MTT (116)
ex-WAG8575 / UAN404 MTT (575)
21.03.1962 117 Bedford SB387490MComair 03/62B39F
MH2604 Mandurah Bus Charters
ex-MH2604 Mandurah Bus Service [Pryor]
ex-MH2604 Tuckeys Bus Service (Mandurah) (5)
ex-UQB117 / WAG8117 MTT (117)
ex-WAG8576 / UAN409 MTT (576)
21.03.1962 118 Bedford SB388502MComair 03/62B39F
MH2656 Mandurah Bus Charters
ex-MH2656 Mandurah Bus Service [Pryor]
ex-MH2656 Tuckeys Bus Service (Mandurah) (7)
ex-UQB118 / WAG8118 MTT (118)
ex-WAG8577 / UAN410 MTT (577)
26.04.1962 119 Bedford SB388506MComair 03/62B39F
ODonnell Griffin
ex-SW1440 Swanleigh Hostel (Middle Swan) (1)
ex-UQB119 / WAG8119 MTT (119)
ex-WAG8578 / UAN417 MTT (578)
26.04.1962 120 Bedford SB388510MComair 03/62B39F
WA Institute of Technology Student Guild
ex-UQB120 / WAG8120 MTT (120)
ex-WAG8579 / UAN416 MTT (579)

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