Western Australian Government Railways / Westrail / Transwa

Scania K113TRB
4 records

SL01 YS4KT6X2B01819535PMCAC58Dt492704/92
DESTROYED / CVL2403 Integrity Coach Lines (Midvale) [Sims] (C5)
ex-TV3544 Bankstown Coaches (NSW)
ex-7QI669 Westrail (SL01)
SL02 YS4KT6X2B01819534PMCAC58Dt492804/92
CVL2408 Australian Pinnacle Tours [PTG]
ex-CVL2408 Integrity Coach Lines (Midvale) [Sims] (C8)
ex-TV3543 / 1BNN080 Bankstown Coaches (NSW)
ex-7QI671 Westrail (SL02)
SL03 YS4KT6X2B01819536
CVL2407 / TC7428 Integrity Coach Lines (Midvale) [Sims]
ex-TC4943 Go West (16)
ex-TC4943 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board (Kalgoorlie)
ex-7QI686 Westrail (SL03)
SL04 YS4KT6X2B01819626PMCAC58Dt493005/92
CVL2405 Integrity Coach Lines (Midvale) [Sims] (C5)
ex-TV5571 Bankstown Coaches (NSW)
ex-TP2008 Southern Coast Transit [Transperth] (2008)
ex-TC4944 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board (Kalgoorlie)
ex-7QI687 Westrail (SL04)

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Updated between 32 and 61 days ago.
Updated more than 61 days ago.
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