Emigrants - buses that went East
Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW)
9 records
| | ex-MTT | | MAKE & MODEL | CHASSIS No | BODY | No | DATE |
| |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 612625 | MartinNixon | | 05/62 | B49F | MO706 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-Allspares (Belmont) (dealer) ex-UQB446 / WAG8446 / UAN418 MTT (446) | | |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 612684 | Campbell&Mannix | | 07/62 | B49F | MO3540 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-Allspares (Belmont) (dealer) ex-UQB451 / WAG8451 / UAN425 MTT (451) | | |
433 499
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 611260 | Bolton | | 09/61 | B49F | MO3543 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-Allspares (Belmont) (dealer) ex-UQB499 MTT (499) ex-UQB433 / WAG8433 / UAN390 MTT (433) | | |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 612355 | Campbell&Mannix | | 02/62 | B49F | MO4008 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-Allspares (Belmont) (dealer) ex-UQB449 / WAG8449 / UAN405 MTT (449) | | |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 612352 | CustomCoaches | 89-83 | 08/89 | RB53F | BV55JA Paradise Tours (St Peters NSW) ex-1677MO / MO4008 Blue Mountains Bus Co / Mountainlink / Pearce Omnibus (Katoomba NSW) ex-MO4008 / MO705 / TV1250 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-Allspares (Belmont) (dealer) ex-UQB442 / WAG8442 / UAN415 MTT (442) | | |
| IBC Mk III-Cat 1160 RE | | Superior | B291 | 11/76 | C45F | KW5234 Non-PSV (Bunbury) ex-TC336 Aussie Perth Tours ex-TC336 Varcoe (Busselton) ex-TC336 Halls Head Charter (Barragup) [M J Gauci] ex-TC336 Broome Coach Lines ex-MO4435 / TV658 / TV315 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-TV315 Jannali-Como (Janali NSW) [Coleman] | | |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | | | | | B49F | MO5725 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) | | |
| Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 | 575598 | PMC | 1421 | 04/84 | B57F | 3759MO / MO9475 Blue Mountains Bus Co / Mountainlink / Pearce Omnibus (Katoomba NSW) ex-MO9475 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) | | |
| AEC Regal VI U2RA | 001 | Bolton | | 10/62 | B49F | unknown (NSW) ex-MO9476 Katoomba-Leura Bus Service (Katoomba NSW) ex-KOV997 Fairfield-Cabramatta Police Boys Club (NSW) ex-(not operated) Bosnjak Bus Service (Edensor Park NSW) ex-Smithfield Coach Imports (NSW) ex-UQB500 / WAG8500 / UAN443 MTT (500) |
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