21216 Metropolitan Omnibus Co (16)
Leyland Lion LT9 ⁄ LeylandUK
Perth St Georges Tce

Leyland Lion LT9
Body:  LeylandUK 11/39 B32F
  Converted to:     B32F -/64 rebuilt
Engine:  Leyland 4cyl 5.7ℓ 65hp diesel
   converted to     Leyland E166/1 6cyl 8.6ℓ diesel
Gearbox:  4sp constant mesh
Last updated:  5 June 2017
DATE       REGO    No   FLEET
21 Dec 193921216(16)Metropolitan Omnibus Co
31916(16)Metropolitan Omnibus Co
1 Dec 194831916(16)Metro Buses
by 1 Dec 195145616(16)Metro Buses
circa Aug 1958UAN200(16)Metro Buses
31 Aug 1958UAN200(16)MTT
1 Mar 1962Young Australia League (Perth)

Recorded by one source as being r/r UAN200 in 03.1958, however it is recorded on the WAGT Valuation of 26 Jun 1958 as unregistered; More likely to have been r/r UAN200 in late 08.1958 prepatory to being returned to service upon MTT takeover
Damaged in Fremantle Depot fire
24 Jun 1945   
23 Mar 1962   

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