n=0 METRO20

UQB020 MTT (20)
Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1 / Bolton
Perth Barrack St Jetty
April 1974

Leyland Worldmaster ERT1/1
Chassis No:  556280
Body:  Campbell&Mannix 03/57 B48F
   converted to     Bolton 12/65 B49F
Engine:  Leyland EO600 6cyl 9.8ℓ 125hp diesel
Gearbox:  "Wilson" 4sp pneumo-control
Last updated:  3 October 2014
DATE       REGO    No   FLEET
18 Mar 1957UAN114(20)Metro Buses
31 Aug 1958UAN114(20)MTT
20 Feb 1964WAG8020(20)MTT
22 Oct 1968UQB020(20)MTT
5 May 1981UQB031(31)MTT
15 Mar 19826LI306Cyril Jackson High School

Old body located at Greenough River Camping Area
byNov 1966   
Withdrawn & stored
19 Feb 1979   
Re-painted `clipper yellow` & leased to Dept of Mental Health / DMH
25 Oct 1979   
Returned & withdrawn
7 Dec 1981   

Do you have any additional gen to add to the fleetlists? Corrections? Photos?
Contact www.perthbus.info - Submit photos to www.perthbus.info