UAN184 MTT (225)
Bedford SB3 ⁄ CAC
Claremont Gugeri St Depot
Wednesday 5 July 1961

Bedford SB3
Chassis No:  51811
Body:  CAC 7SB 4/58 B35F
Engine:  Bedford 330 6cyl petrol
Gearbox:  4sp synchromesh
Last updated:  14 September 2024
DATE       REGO    No   FLEET
2 Apr 1958UAN184(30)United Buses
14 Dec 1958UAN184(225)MTT
20 Feb 1964WAG8225(225)MTT
Jul 1968WN634Vosnacos & Son (Wanneroo)

Recorded in some sources as being a Bedford SB7, however, Bedford never made an SB7 chassis. The confusion arose because GMH marketed the SB3 featuring the new wrap-around windscreen as the 7SB. This bus was the only Bedford in both the pre-MTT fleets and the MTT fleet to feature this design.
4 Jul 1968   

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